At Ease

At Ease

This painting aims to convey the profound connection and care within the crane family, celebrating the beauty of nature's nurturing moments and evoking a sense of warmth and security. We can all relate to this feeling and emotion.

The scene exudes a sense of tranquility and safety as the mother delicately rests her beak upon the soft downy head of the chick. The nest, formed by a dance of twigs in various shades, visually leads the viewer's gaze toward the more organized and majestic feathers of the Sandhill crane.

The crane's nest is embraced in the heart of the wetland surrounded by water providing a protective hold, creating a serene atmosphere that mirrors the morning sun's gentle glow upon the background reeds. 

  • 18" x 24" x 1 1/2" Oil on Canvas

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Liisa Lê Art

Cranes, Wetlands, Portraits: Exploring Soulful Connections Through My Art